Wraparound Care provided by Premier Education

Premier Education are proud to deliver wrap around care at Bow Brickhill CofE Primary School. Our before and after school clubs are open Monday – Thursday for the children. Parents can rest assured their children are in a safe environment where we focus on nurturing the children through a variety of fun and stimulating activities. 

We offer two after school booking options to enable a flexible approach for parents with an ad-hoc booking system allowing you to book the days you require. 

Timings and cost:

Breakfast Club 7.45am – Start of school day -   £4.75 per day
After School Club – End of school day – 4.30pm -   £7.50 per day
After School Club – End of school day – 5.45pm - £12.50 per day

Age range:

Reception – Year 6

How to book:

All bookings can be made online at www.premier-education.com or you can go straight to the booking page by clicking here

Any additional information you might require will be found in the parent booklet below.  

Should you need any additional information, use the below information:
01908 299233

Or you can call directly to the site:
07707 490103

Bow Brickhill Wraparound.pdf