Worship at Bow Brickhill CofE Primary
Within the traditions of the Church of England, our daily act of Collective Worship is a special time that brings together members of the school community to join with music, singing, story-telling, worship and reflection.
Worship is led by teachers, children and visitors. During sharing assemblies and key celebrations as part of the church year, families are invited into school or to join us at church and we are extremely grateful for the tremendous parental support we have. Groups of children are encouraged to prepare and lead class worship each week based on one of our Christian values. These opportunities allow them to gain valuable leadership experience and extend their ability to think and reflect on the teachings of Jesus and how each value can be shown as part of our daily life. Our worship is further enhanced by termly visits from The Reverend John Waller who also leads our services at All Saints Church.
Our worship is based on our Christian values of Respect, Kindness, Responsibility, Honesty, Courage and Forgiveness which reflect the aspirations we have for each child, to inspire to a high level of spiritual and moral reflection and to challenge our learners to take responsibility for their own actions.
Worship also includes other themes such as;
• Humility
• Generosity
• Justice
• Compassion
• Truthfulness
• Service
• Thankfulness
• Creativity
• Trust
• Hope
• Wisdom
More information about these values can be found at www.christianvalues4schools.co.uk (link is external)
Alternatively, talk to the children who will happily share their understanding of our school values and the impact this makes on their learning and behaviour.