The School Day
School hours are:
8.40-8.50am Gates open and close
8.50am Official start of the school day with registers taken (all children should be in by this time as any child arriving after this will be marked late)
12.00-1.00pm Lunch
3.20pm Home time
The school day begins punctually at 8.50 am. Children may come into school from 8.40 am to 8.50 am when a member of staff will be on duty at the door at the back of the school. Access can be gained through the front door should you happen to be late. Please ring the buzzer to gain entry for your child. If you are late and there has been no prior notification to the school you will be required to sign the late book explaining the reason for this. The school day ends at 3.20pm.
Break Time/Lunch Time
Children are encouraged to bring a piece of fruit to eat at break time, this should be given separately to a lunch box and must be ready prepared to eat.
We are part of the Fruit For Schools Scheme, which provides pupils with an additional piece of fruit daily free of charge. All pupils are encouraged to bring water bottles as a reinforcement of our Hydration Policy.
What's in your lunchbox - for a guide to healthy lunches, click here.
Lunch time lasts from 12 midday until 1.00 p.m. Children in the Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 are eligible for free daily hot school meals, children in Key Stage 2 are able to purchase these hot school meals if they wish to do so. Please speak to the School Administrator for more details about how to order your hot school meals or see the School Dinners page on this website.
If your child is not having a hot school meal we ask you to provide a packed lunch for your child in a sealed plastic container. Chocolate bars/sweets are not allowed in lunchboxes and as we have children in school with severe nut allergies, we ask that nuts are also not put in lunchboxes.
In the interests of health and safety we ask parents not to provide glass bottles or cans of fizzy drinks in lunch boxes. Children will be given the option of School Milk - Free if under 5 - or payable termly for children 5 and over - see School Administrator for details.
Please contact the school by telephone and leave a message on the first day of absence if your child is ill. Any other reasons for absence should be notified to the School in advance.
It is vital that children attend school punctually and regularly in order to achieve their educational potential. Therefore, we would ask that absences are kept to a minimum and that, where possible, appointments are arranged out of school hours or during holidays. Of course there may be times when this is unavoidable.
From 1st September 2013, the government has made changes to the regulations allowing Headteachers to authorise family holidays during term-time. Headteachers may only consider reasons for absence under the category of exceptional circumstance leave. Should you need to request permission for an absence the school form will need to be completed and submitted to the Headteacher detailing the nature of the exceptional circumstance. A decision whether or not to authorise the absence will then be made. Leave taken without authorisation will be classed as unauthorised and may be subject to a penalty charge. For further details on the government legislation with regard to holidays in term time, please click here.
In line with Government legislation any absences are recorded on your child’s report.
Leaving School Premises
The law requires that children shall be adequately supervised during the school day. Children needing to be out of school (e.g. to go to the dentist/doctor appointments etc.) must be collected by a known adult or by someone with written permission.
Parking for the school is in the car park at the end of Rushmere Close, next to The Pavilion and cars should not be parked on Station Road or on the hill.
As the school is situated on a busy road, parents are asked to be very careful when bringing and collecting children and to use the crossing to do so. The car park is for staff cars only and for safety, children and parents are not allowed to walk through it. Please be advised that it is an offence to park on the zigzag yellow lines outside the school.