School Uniform
Our full school uniform is:-
Purple sweatshirt/cardigan with the school logo
White polo shirt
Grey/black school trousers or school shorts
Grey/black school skirt or pinafore
Yellow gingham dress (summer only)
White, grey or black socks/tights
Black school shoes (not trainers)
The logo'd part of our school uniform can be ordered through Mark Wilson, MSW Solutions and orders can be placed online at by selecting Bow Brickhill. Contact number 07944 489854.
PE Kit
On PE days, children should come to school wearing their PE kit.
Your child will need:-
For indoor PE
School logo white T-shirt
Black shorts
For outdoor PE
School logo white T-shirt
Plain or School logo warm black top
Plain black Jogging/tracksuit bottoms
For safety reasons we ask parents to ensure that children do not wear jewellery to school. Children with pierced ears may wear studs only and during P.E. these must be taped over to avoid accidents, or removed. The school cannot accept responsibility for the loss of such items or for any accidents associated with wearing jewellery. Long hair should be tied back at all times.
Donations of old/outgrown school unform can be accepted in school and will be made available for other parents to purchase if required and available.
Please ensure that all school uniform and PE kit is clearly named with your child's name.